Program Curriculum

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    • 2021 Q&A Call Dates
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    Pre-Program Resources
    • 1. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Introduction to Macro Counting
    • 2. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Setting Custom Meals and Meal Names
    • 3. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Seeing Your Macro Breakdown By Meal
    • 4. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Setting Custom Macro Goals in MyFitnessPal
    • 5. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Creating Recipes
    • 6. MyFitnessPal Tutorial - Alcohol Tracking Hack
    • 7. US Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025
    • 8. US Dietary Guidelines - Vegetables (Sample)
    • 9. 2020-2025 US Dietary Guidelines - Sources of Fiber
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    Weeks 1 & 2
    • 💪 Weeks 1 & 2 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: ONE DAY or DAY ONE?
    • 1. Technical Skills - An Introduction to Macro Counting
    • 2a. Measurements Guide
    • 2. Technical Skills - Tracking Your Progress
    • 3. Technical Skills - Grocery Shopping & Meal Planning
    • 3a. Grocery Shopping List
    • ✅ Week 1 Check In Form
    • 4. Food Mindset - An Introduction to the 5 Mindset Shifts
    • 5. Self Love - Identifying Emotions
    • 5a. Self Love - Identifying Emotions Worksheet
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Handle the Weekend Like a Boss
    • ✅ Week 2 Check In Form
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    Weeks 3 & 4
    • 💪 Weeks 3 & 4 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Let's Celebrate the Small Wins!
    • 1. Technical Skills - Macros & Energy Balance
    • 2. Technical Skills - Basics of Macro Tracking - Part I
    • 3. Technical Skills - Basics of Macro Tracking - Part II
    • 3a. Guide to Conversion Factors
    • 3b. Technical Skills - Tracking & Measuring Cheat Sheet
    • 4. Technical Skills - Introduction to Preplanning Your Macros
    • 4a. Preplanning Macros Guide
    • ✅ Week 3 Check In Form
    • 5a. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Food Mindset Worksheet
    • 5b. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Mindful Eating Exercise
    • 5c. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Food Forgiveness Exercise
    • 6. Self Love - Understanding the Scale
    • 6a. The Negative, the Positive, and the Objective Truth Worksheet
    • 6b. Weight Tracking File
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Have a Balanced Weekend
    • ✅ Week 4 Check In Form
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    Weeks 5 & 6
    • 💪 Weeks 5 & 6 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Done is Better Than Perfect
    • 1. Technical Skills - How to Hit Your Macros - Introduction
    • 1a. Hitting Your Macros Guide
    • 2. Technical Skills - How to Calculate Macros - Formula Based Method
    • ✅ Week 5 Check In Form
    • 3a. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Perfect Diet Questionnaire
    • 3b. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Food Priorities Worksheet
    • 3c. Mindless to Intentional Eating: Progress Tracker
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Start Where You Are, Do What You Can
    • ✅ Week 6 Check In Form
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    Weeks 7 & 8
    • 💪 Weeks 7 & 8 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Self Improvement
    • 1. Technical Skills - Hitting Your Macros - Beginner Strategies
    • 2. Technical Skills - Hitting Your Macros - Beginner Strategies - Part II
    • 3. Technical Skills - How to Calculate Macros - Two Week Average Method
    • ✅ Week 7 Check In Form
    • 4a. Scarcity to Abundance: Scarcity Mindset Worksheet
    • 4b. Scarcity to Abundance: Scarcity Mindset Tracker
    • 5. Self Love - Being "Just a Little Bit Better" Than Last Time
    • 5a. Self Improvement & Reflection Worksheet
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: I Will Not Give Up
    • ✅ Week 8 Check In Form
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    Weeks 9 & 10
    • 💪 Weeks 9 & 10 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Be Unstoppable
    • 1. Technical Skills - Hitting Your Macros - Intermediate Strategies
    • 2. Technical Skills - How to Track Alcohol
    • 2a. Tracking Alcohol
    • 3. Alcohol Calculator
    • ✅ Week 9 Check In Form
    • 4. Technical Skills - Making Macro Counting Fun
    • 4a. Food Bucket List Worksheet
    • 5a. Scarcity to Abundance: Envision Abundance Worksheet
    • 5b. Scarcity to Abundance: Treat Yourself Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: One Step At A Time
    • ✅ Week 10 Check In Form
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    Weeks 11 & 12
    • 💪 Weeks 11 & 12 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Goal Setting
    • 1. Technical Skills - Hitting Your Macros - Advanced Strategies
    • 2. Technical Skills - Estimating Macros
    • 2a. How to Read a Menu
    • 2b. Using Yelp to Estimate Macros
    • 2c. Plugging Your Estimate Into MyFitnessPal
    • 3. Technical Skills - Travel & Going Out to Eat
    • ✅ Week 11 Check In Form
    • 4. Technical Skills - Goal Setting
    • 5a. Good vs. Bad to Nutrient Dense vs. Calorie Dense - Food Perception Worksheet
    • 5b. Good vs. Bad to Nutrient Dense vs. Calorie Dense - Good Foods vs. Bad Foods
    • 6. Self Love - Flipping the Script
    • 6a. Flipping the Script - Practice #1
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Celebrate the Wins!
    • ✅ Week 12 Check In Form
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    Weeks 13 & 14
    • 💪 Weeks 13 & 14 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Put in the Work and Reap the Rewards
    • 1. Technical Skills - Becoming Consistently Consistent
    • 1a. Guide to Consistency
    • 2a. Good vs. Bad to Nutrient Dense vs. Calorie Dense - Food Freedom Worksheet
    • ✅ Week 13 Check In Form
    • 2b. Good vs. Bad to Nutrient Dense vs. Calorie Dense - Food Perception Challenge
    • 3. Self Love - Flipping the Script - Practice #2
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: 4 Steps to Consistency
    • ✅ Week 14 Check In Form
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    Weeks 15 & 16
    • 💪 Weeks 15 & 16 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Loving Your Body
    • 1. Technical Skills - How to Adjust Your Macros
    • ✅ Week 15 Check In Form
    • 2a. Punishment & Reward to Satisfaction - Punishment & Reward Mindset Worksheet
    • 2b. Punishment & Reward to Satisfaction - Punishment & Reward Worksheet
    • 3. Be Your Own Goals
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Learning to Love Your Body
    • ✅ Week 16 Check In Form
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    Weeks 17 & 18
    • 💪 Weeks 17 & 18 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Mindset Monday
    • 1. Intuitive Eating
    • 1a. Intuitive Eating Guide
    • ✅ Week 17 Check In Form
    • 2a. Punishment & Reward to Satisfaction - Satisfaction Mindset Worksheet
    • 2b. Punishment & Reward to Satisfaction - Satisfaction Challenge
    • 3. Self Love - The Picture Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Intuitive Eating Challenge!
    • ✅ Week 18 Check In Form
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    Weeks 19 & 20
    • 💪 Weeks 19 & 20 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: FEAR - False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.
    • 1. Fear Foods
    • 2. Technical Skills - Time Blocking
    • ✅ Week 19 Check In Form
    • 3a. Instant Gratification Exercise
    • 3b. Instant Gratification Worksheet
    • 4. Self Love - Self Care Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Fear Foods
    • ✅ Week 20 Check In Form
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    Weeks 21 & 22
    • 💪 Weeks 21 & 22 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: What To Do When You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals
    • 1. Reverse Dieting
    • 1a. Reverse Dieting Guide
    • 1b. Reverse Diet Template
    • ✅ Week 21 Check In Form
    • 2a. Delayed Gratification Worksheet
    • 2b. Delayed Gratification Challenge
    • 3. Letting Go of Black & White Mindsets
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Instant Gratification vs. Delayed Gratification
    • ✅ Week 22 Check In Form
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    Weeks 23 & 24
    • 💪 Weeks 23 & 24 Challenge
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: The Secret to Success is Found in Your Routine
    • 1. How to Manage Your Weight for Life
    • ✅ Week 23 Check In Form
    • 2. Goal Setting: The Next 12 Weeks
    • ✅ Week 24 Check In Form
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    Weeks 25 & 26
    • 👌 Motivation Morsel: Accountability is Crucial to Success
    • Final Self-Assessment: 5 Food Mindset Shifts
    • ✅ Week 25 Check In Form
    • Congratulations....YOU DID IT!! 🎉🎉
    • Next Steps - EMPOWER & TRANSFORM Program
    • ✅ Week 26 Check In Form
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    • Getting Started with Macro Counting
    • How to Use the JUMPSTART Macro Calculator
    • JUMPSTART Macro Calculator
    • Grocery List
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    • GIRLS GOT GOALS - A DIY Guide to Macro Counting
    • GIRLS GOT GOALS - Sustainable Macro Counting
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    BONUS: Holiday Prep Guide
    • 5 Step Plan for Holiday Success
    • Boundaries - Your Super Secret Holiday Weight Loss Weapon - Expert Interview with Gina Howell
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    BONUS: Self Care Survival Guide
    • Self Care Survival Guide
    • Self Care Survival Guide