
This material is copyright of Corinne Blackmon. This Program or any part thereof may not be reproduced, sold, or transmitted without prior permission from Corinne Blackmon. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Medical Disclaimer

This Program is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, and is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice. Use of this Program is at sole choice and risk of the user. This Program does not constitute individualized nutrition advice, and is intended to help you understand the concepts of macro counting and teach you the skills necessary to apply macro counting to your everyday life. This Program is not for the purpose of individualized or group nutritional assessment or counseling. For individualized nutrition advice and counseling, please refer to your physician or licensed dietitian.

By purchasing and/or this Program, you are acknowledging that Corinne Blackmon of Girls Got Goals is neither a physician, licensed nutritionist or dietitian, or therapist and does not maintain any certifications or degrees under which she is offering said general information. All knowledge being provided through Girls Got Goals has been obtained through years of experience as a self-motivated fitness, health, and lifestyle enthusiast.

The user should consult with medical professionals before making any major changes in your diet or exercise routine, especially if you are pregnant or suffering from any sort of disease or illness.

By using this Program, you agree to hold harmless Corinne Blackmon and Girls Got Goals from any liability or personal injury associated with any content in this Program. Weight loss is not guaranteed by using this program, and results are dependent upon what you do with the knowledge provided within this Program. If at any time you feel unsure about following any of the content in this Program, please contact a qualified professional.